It is so written by Anna Ruiz

Arna Baartz, "The Keeper of Love"

It is so written

you take my soul
you dip me in Magellan blue
with utmost care

for you have found my hiding place
behind an ancient timepiece
shamed into abeyance
where shadows reach not.

Now you wring me out with both your
hands, strong and chiseled
I feel your purpose

you have made me ready.

Now you write, this fine perfect
writing tool I am
my feet a feathertip, I am the swirl
of your letters, the crosses of your words.

Oh, what writing we write!

And now
the parchment yellows
it crumbles in your hands
it blows away in your exhale.

Return me gently
to my hiding place,

you have used me well.

By Anna Ruiz

Originally published in the Anthology A Moonlit Teahouse, available in October. Shared with permission of the author.
