Call for Submissions: Just as I am: Hymns Affirming the Divine Female


Girl God Books is accepting submissions for our upcoming ''Hermnal'' - Just as I am: Hymns Affirming the Divine Female.

Because we want to avoid duplication, we will continue to update this post with a list of re-written hymns. Please note, we have another collection of Goddess Chants and songs - as well as one specific to Solstice Carols. This book will focus on re-writing patriarchal hymns into woman-affirming ''Hermns.''  We are also interested in joyous artwork of women singing or playing instruments.

So far, we have:

Washed in the Blood (re-written by Patricia Lynn Reilly)

Our Mother (re-written by Patricia Lynn Reilly)

Just as I Am (re-written by Trista Hendren)

The Old Rounded Crone (sung to The Old Rugged Cross - re-written to  by Trista Hendren)

I Love to Tell Her Story (sung to I Love to Tell the Story - re-written by Sharon Smith)

She Who Is Our Mother! Goddess All-Lovely (sung to Holy Holy Holy - re-written by Sharon Smith)  

I Fled From the Garden Today (sung to the tune of In the Garden - re-written by Sharon Smith)

Goddess I Hear You (sung to the tune of  Here I Am Lord, Lord of Sea and Sky - re-written by Dr Lynne Sedgmore)

The Heart of Love My Goddess Is (sung to The King of Love My Shepherd Is - re-written by Alissa DeLaFuente)

The Call of the Goddess (sung to Amazing Grace - re-written by Alissa DeLaFuente) 

What Wondrous Love is This? (re-written by Alissa DeLaFuente)

The Magdalene’s my Guide, I Shall not Want (re-written by Kay Turner)

Dear Goddess Mother of us all (sung to Dear Lord and Father of Mankind - rewritten by Kay Turner)

Mother Goddess, We Adore Thee (sung to Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee - re-written by Sharon Smith) 

Weave Us Together, Queen (sung to Bind us Together, Lord - re-written by Kay Turner)

What an Allyship in Goddess (sung to What a Friend we have in Jesus - re-written by Kay Turner)

Is The Morrigan Calling to you? (sung to: All Creatures of Our God and King! - re-written by Deborah A. Meyerriecks)

In the Shadow Before Dawn (sung to the tune of: For the Beauty of the Earth - rewritten by: Deborah A. Meyerriecks)

Lift up the Veil (sung to: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - rewritten by Deborah A. Meyerriecks)
Support My Quest To Know Myself (sung to: Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven - re-written by: Deborah A. Meyerriecks)

Be Thou My Vision (re-written by Barbara O'Meara)

The Doxology (Praise Goddess - re-written by Kate Hilderbrandt)

How Deep the Father's Love For Us (How Great the Mother's Love for Us - re-written by Kate Hilderbrandt)

His Eye is on the Sparrow (Her Eye is on the Sparrow - re-written by Trista Hendren)

Blessed Assurance (re-written by Trista Hendren)

How Great Thou Art (re-written by Trista Hendren)

She Lives (re-written by Trista Hendren)

Are you washed in the Blood (re-written by Trista Hendren)

Sweet Hour of Prayer (re-written by Trista Hendren)

Rock of Ages (re-written by Trista Hendren)

Fairest Lord Jesus (re-written by Ruth Calder-Murphy)

A Mighty Fortress is our God (re-written by Ruth Calder-Murphy)

I love to Tell the Story (re-written by Monette Chilson)

I'll Fly Away (re-written by Liz Kelly)

Softly and Tenderly (re-written by Liz Kelly)

Victory in Jesus (re-written by Monette Chilson)

Because She Lives (Sung to Because He Lives - re-written by Monette Chilson)

As I went Down to the River to Pray (re-written by Liz Kelly)

I Surrender All (re-written by Pat Daly)

To God by the Glory (re-written by Dr Lynne Sedgmore)

Faith of our Mothers (Sung to Faith of our Fathers - re-written by Sharon Smith)

We Give Our Thanks to Her (Sung to Now Thank We All Our God, re-written by Rebekah Myers) 

Darkness is Swirling (Sung to Morning Has Broken - re-written by Kay Turner)

Morning Has Broken (re-written by Dr. Lynne Sedgmore)

I am Worthy (Sung to Jesus Loves me - re-written by Michelle Kathleen Elder)

Mother Holy (Sung to Infant Holy - re-written by Jeanine Elizabeth Otte)

Abide with Me (Sung to Abide with me - re-written by Jeanine Elizabeth Otte)

We Give Our Thanks to Her (Sung to Now Thank We All Our God - re-written by Rebekah Myers)

Turn Your Eyes Upon Goddess (Sung to Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - re-written by Sharon Smith)

Lilith Paid it All (Sung to Jesus Paid it All - re-written by Sharon Smith)

Edited by Trista Hendren, Sharon Smith and Pat Daly

Cover art by Kat Shaw

Scheduled publication: October 2021

Please send your submissions to by September 15th, 2021 with the book title in your subject line. Please note that we cannot accommodate any late submissions or corrections. Please be sure that your HERmn is not subject to any copyright restrictions.

Submission Guidelines:
Please send your finished piece in a Word document. Calibri size 12 font is preferred. Please do not use any fancy formatting or fonts as it creates a lot more work on our end. Make sure to spell check before your submission.

 Art should be sent in high resolution as a JPG. You may submit more than one piece for consideration, but due to the volume of submissions, please only send your best work.

Please also include a bio under 150 words.

Accepted contributors will receive a contributor's copy of the book and the option to order as many copies of the book as they'd like at cost during the pre-order period to sell or gift as they wish.
