Call for Submissions - Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves

The Girl God is accepting submissions for our upcoming Anthology of women’s writing: Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves.

We want to hear from women about their insight into this Goddess and how they have used Her story to resist society's expectations of them and reclaim their personal power. Personal essays (up to 2,500 words), academic papers, poetry and (black and white) art are welcome.

Edited by Monette Chilson, Trista Hendren and Pat Daly

Scheduled publication: July 2019

Please send your submissions to by March 15, 2019. Please note that we cannot accommodate any late submissions or corrections.

Submission Guidelines:
Please send your finished piece in a Word document.  Art should be sent in high resolution as a JPG.  You may submit more than one piece for consideration, but due to the volume of submissions, please only send your best work.

Please also include a bio under 150 words.

Accepted contributors will receive a contributor's copy of the book and the option to order as many copies of the book as they'd like at cost during the pre-order period to sell or gift as they wish.

In the meantime, be sure to check out our new book for children of all ages, My Name is Lilith!

Original Resistance can be pre-ordered here.
