Top New Age Bullying Techniques by Sara Sophia Eisenman

Painting by Elisabeth Slettnes

1) If something "negative" happens to you, it's because you created it.
2) If you encounter someone/something aggressive/violent, it's because it's in YOU (mirror theory).
3) If you feel a need to defend yourself, it's because you're "in your ego."
4) If you are experiencing anger/outrage/sadness/grief, it's because you are "low vibration."

Attention New Age bullies: YOU ARE STILL BULLIES, no different than any other. High falutin' spiritual speak does NOT make you holy or smart. Your games are shallow, and obvious. They are just a tedious repeat of the same old dogma of sin and shame that have been peddled for millennia. They are false.

And I will do my part to make them obvious to anyone who may be targeted by them, so that they can more easily find the clarity to tell you: to go suck an egg.

-Sara Sophia Eisenman


  1. Yes. This. I have always called them "Neo-Calvinists."

  2. How do you suggest responding without coming across as a bully yourself?


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