2015 Nine-Day Solstice Celebration Program Outline

“Mago” means the Great Goddess, the Primordial Mother, and the Creatrix.

Mago Academy and The Girl God Proclaims “Gathering At the Crossroad for Mago Time/Space” during December 14-22 (9 days)!

We will begin 8 day countdown beginning Dec. 6, 2015. Coming soon and stay tuned~~~
For more info, see here.

Where:  Mago Academy’s website
In addition, we will connect with you through The Mago Circle Facebook Group, Mago Academy Facebook Page, The Girl God’s Facebook Page, and other websites and social network media by our hosts and presenters.

How to participate by viewers and readers: We will post each day’s program on the Mago Academy's Website at 9PM U.S. PST, unless otherwise indicated. Our viewers and readers can ask questions and make comments on a specific issue addressed by our hosts and presenters.

Highlights of 9 Day Solstice Programs include the following.

Day 1 (Dec. 14): Gathering at the Crossroad for Mago Time/Space by Mago Sisters and Mago Circle Members hosted by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Trista Hendren, and Kaalii Cargill

Invitation to cleansing, invoking, and entering Gynocentric Reality (Mago Time/Space) collectively!
“The Mago Way Poem” by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
“Situating in the Womb of Gaia: a PaGaian contemplation of Her Creative Place” by Glenys Livignstone
“Speaking at Rally to Commemorate the Bombing of Hiroshima” by Janie Rezner
“The Kolo: Community of Healing” by Danica Anderson
“Time is Ripe: St. Gallen, Switzerland” by Lydia Ruyle

Day 2 (Dec. 15): Mothers and Daughters hosted by Trista Hendren
This episode will explore how to bring alive Goddess traditions, spirituality and activism with our daughters (young or old). A lively conversation with Trista Hendren and Katharine Krueger of Journey of Young Women.

Day 3 (Dec. 16): 2015 Published Goddess/Female Divine Books hosted by Hearth Moon Rising
Stay in touch with emerging concepts in Goddess spirituality. Join us for a review of spiritually oriented books published in 2015. The program will be live at 3:00 pm EST on December 16th. There will be a mixture of essays, nonfiction, fiction, and poetry.  The program will include a live interview with Elizabeth Hardy, author of Female Sperm Whale …and other [feminist] poems.

Day 4 (Dec. 17): Seeking Inner Voice of S/HE (Meditation Guides) hosted by Marie de Kock
Join Marie de Kock in her one hour program: "I will be dong a lot of practical DOING to connect. I hope to guide women to the point where they Feel or Sense their own voice, rather than talk too much at them. Discussion with Mary Petiet. Presentation/Contribution by Glenys Livingstone/Eileen Hailey and Arna Baartz."

Day 5 (Dec. 18): She Rises Contributors Speak hosted by She Rises Vol 1 Co-editors
“She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, Spirituality Vol 1” and “Ideas and plans for She Rises Vol 2” by Kaalii Cargill and Helen Hye-Sook Hwang

Day 6 (Dec. 19): Goddess Pilgrimages hosted by Kaalii Cargill
Join us for a one hour virtual Goddess Pilgrimage to Greece, Italy, Malta, Turkey, and Korea. A background slideshow of 500 original photos of sacred sites and ancient artefacts, with a conversation with Carol P. Christ, recorded especially for this program, and a photo essay by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang about Mago Pilgrimage to Korea.

Day 7 (Dec. 20): Social Justice, What is Racism? hosted by Pegi Eyers
There are widely divergent definitions of racism and social justice in the Feminist and Goddess Spirituality Community, and making our sisters aware of the commonly-held definitions in academia and the social justice world is the goal of this one-hour program. Being on the same page will transcend the misconceptions that we hold, and make our work as activists and allies that much more effective.  White women in the Americas will never be fully liberated until women of colour and indigenous women are also free of oppression. Special guests Crystal Blanton and Jonina Lynn Kirton.

Day 8 (Dec. 21): Maiden, Mother & Crone – A Solstice Ritual hosted by Rachael Patterson
Join us in sacred learning space as we embody and teach about Goddess in her three aspects.  We’ll begin with a short introduction, as well as a little about our process of learning in preparation for this teaching.  Then we’ll invoke the elements and directions, and move through 3 rounds of 3 opportunities to speak- Maiden, Mother, Crone; Maiden, Mother, Crone; Crone, Mother, Maiden. Presented and facilitated by Thia Sleszynski, Rachael Patterson & Jamie Reeves.

Day 9 (Dec. 22): The Collective Rising: Our Visions and Dreams for 2016 hosted by Trista Hendren, Kaalii Cargill, and Helen Hwang
“Female Futures” by Lila Moore
“Korean Historical Drama: Mago Academy’s new online course,” Presentation by Anna Tzanova and Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
Presentation by Jassy Watson
“Opening the Circle” by Glenys Livingstone

Stay tuned for 8 Day countdowns with more details, beginning on Dec. 6th!
Mago Academy (magoacademy.org)

The Verbal Code as a Sign of Living/Loving Gynocentric Reality: During these 9 days, we proclaim the Gynocentric Reality (Mago Time/Space), that is, the Background Reality, to borrow Mary Daly's word. It is the Way of the Universe (The Mago Way). We propose the idea that we treat each other beyond/beneath one's identity defined by race/ethnicity, sex/gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, spirituality, class, education, and etc. We will read/listen to WHAT people say NOT who say that, so to speak. For nine days, we intend to disrupt the usual MENTAL habit of labeling the speaker into a category such as "white woman," "Asian woman," "African American woman," "Native American," "lesbian," "white man," "person of color," "Christian," "Muslim," "middle-class," "U.S. American," "British," "Chinese," "Third World," "Ph.D." and so on. Our identities are all good in nature, enriching the Goodness of Life on Earth. However, it is the patriarchy that attempts to colonize us by dividing and ranking people. When we are consciously undoing the mental habit of patriarchal labels among ourselves, we are preparing a direct path to Gynocentric Reality. How do we do that? As a sign of undoing patriarchal mental labels, we propose the Verbal Code, which is "In Mago Time/Space." We begin our talk/comment by using the Verbal Code. For example, this can be one's comment on a Facebook post, "In Mago Time/Space, (whatever one wants to say)." We are neither suggesting that we should remove all all self-referential titles in our talks during this period. Nor that we take someone's talk uncritically. Rather, we propose a mental/linguistic practice that will affect OUR MIND/Tongue/Language. When we use the Verbal Code, "In Mago Time/Space," we mean that "I see you the way who you are not by the label that patriarchy places on you. And you are my Sister or Brother in the Primordial Mother." Change begins in our mind AND manifests in our action/life. There is no dualistic thinking here. Change in thinking is the key to the change in our action.
Resources on the Nine Goddess/Mago Movement:
(Essay 1) Why Reenact the Nine-Mago Movement? by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
(Essay 2) Why Reenact the Nine-Mago Movement? by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
(Essay 3) Why Reenact the Nine-Mago Movement? by Helen Hye-Sook Hwang
