The Great Mother. The Great Cosmic Birther. She gives life, and she gives death. We are all food for one another. She loves all of her children. She loves peace and requires justice. She is bloody and messy and dark, deep in Her Nourishing womb of creation. She is the wind on the plains, the waves of the oceans. She is changing constantly and yet constant.
We need only look at matrilineal and matriarchal societies to see the power of the divine feminine for peace and sustainable living. The Seneca nation is an excellent example, with Grandmothers selecting male Chiefs and providing the final word on major tribal matters. Using the Talking Stick as the great tool of peace. When all are heard, all can live in peace.
The wise crones will rise to lead the world.
Cedar Cat
This is an ongoing collective writing project, initiated by Magoism: The Way of S/He and Mother Tree Sanctuary in response to the question, "Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, or Spirituality?" We will feature different women's answers here and on the Magoism blog in the months to come as part of this project.
Contributions are welcome. Please email or join the discussion on the Magoism group on Facebook.
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