Call for Submissions: Single Mothers Speak on Patriarchy

Painting by Liz Darling

The Girl God is accepting submissions for our upcoming Anthology of women’s writing: Single Mothers Speak on Patriarchy. (Title pending.)

This is an anthology project filled with 
global women’s voices describing their experiences as single mothers under patriarchy. We want to hear your stories about raising children alone, dealing with the court system, abusive ex's, living with and without child support and discrimination against single and/or lesbian mothers. Stories of triumph are also warmly welcomed.

We want to hear from women from all walks of life, throughout the world.  Personal essays (up to 2,500 words), poetry and (black and white) art are

Anonymous submissions are welcomed. You must submit your work before June 30, 2016 to for consideration.


  1. I'd love to submit something.

  2. I'm working on a submission. Single Motherhood: Natural Law V. The 'Civil' Patriarchy.

  3. Do you accept essays on women's struggle who decide to remain single? If so, I'd love to submit something. Please let me know.

  4. I'd like to submit too, from a widows perspective.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm grateful for this awareness and opportunity! There's A LOT to say about these topics. I'm an advocate for spreading awareness of the systemic problems in family law and other systems in our country (they're in other countries, too, btw). I've been caught in a highly contentious child custody litigation for the past 3 years and adversely affected by my ex-, his manipulations, and wounded psyche....and many persons/organizations/systems have foolishly empowered my ex-. If you listen closely to what these "professionals" say, there's a lot of cognitive dissonance and bias. We very much live and work in a patriarchal society where women have little rights & respect and children are considered "property." I'm still fighting to hang on to my parental rights and get my custody time (JMC) back with my son. My ex- may have financially exhausted me (and attempting to psychologically devastate me) to the point of almost voicelessness, but I have LOVE, strong WILL, determination, and, fortunately, Kundalini Yoga as a powerful tool to guide me. I might not be able to submit something to this project at this time, but I am grateful that others will. Sat Nam.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story - I can relate. Kundalini Yoga also helped me tremendously. Love & light to you!

  7. I'm so glad this was shared with me! Will get to work right away.

    Can we submit more than one piece?

    1. Yes - although the response has been so overwhelming on this one we probably will not include more than one piece per woman so that we can include as many voices as possible. We may end up doing a follow up too - and there is one planned (but not announced yet) on Financial Abuse already.

  8. Hello Trista. Sent you a long email :) enjoy

    1. I'm not sure if I got that, unless you sent it under another name - but my email has been crazy....if you didn't hear back, please resend - I try to respond to all my emails.

  9. Could I try and submit something when my exams are over.

    1. The deadline is June 30th so there's still quite a bit of time!

  10. Replies
    1. You can submit several - although the response has been so overwhelming on this one we probably will not include more than one piece per woman so that we can include as many voices as possible. We may end up doing a follow up too - and there is one planned (but not announced yet) on Financial Abuse already.

  11. How about how the Black Panthers's Women Infant Children program benefited me as a single mother on my Native American reservation?

    1. That sounds FASCINATING! Please do submit something.

  12. Hello Trista;
    I am a published writer and artist, and quite interested in your project, and I do have some appropriate work; several pieces of poetry and perhaps some art. I have some questions.. I don't see any links to details on copyright arrangements or remuneration for contributors; can you tell me how these things are being handled? Thank you; Lili

    1. We will have a paperback and Kindle version of this book. All selected contributors will receive a paperback copy. All of my anthologies allow for writers and artists to own all rights to their own work. The way I see it, it is your work. Chosen contributors also can purchase as many copies as they like during the pre-order period to sell at their own profit (or gift them). I wish I could also pay each contributor but this is not a for-profit endeavor for me.

  13. What are the publication details?

    1. I am planning to publish this one late this year via The Girl God Press. We will have a paperback and Kindle version. All contributors will receive a paperback copy.

  14. Are double-submissions acceptable? (i.e., a poem or two and an essay)

    1. Yes - although the response has been so overwhelming on this one we probably will not include more than one piece per woman so that we can include as many voices as possible. We may end up doing a follow up too - and there is one planned (but not announced yet) on Financial Abuse already.

  15. I would like to offer a Blessing, The Rite of the Uterus. Donations accepted. For more info:

    1. Blessings are always welcome! You can submit to

  16. Replies
    1. It would depend on the piece - is it fiction based on reality to hide your identity or something completely made up? We want to show the reality of living as a single mother.

  17. Oh Wow!!!
    I wrote a book- a memoir- in 2012 anout my journey as an out of work artist and third gereration single mom doing her damnest to keep her dreams slice Snd being the best mother I can possibly be.

    I would love to contribute something as I've actually been hoping to have a project like this as a follow up on my book.

    I also started an organization called The Single Hand Project that aims to support and create a global support for single moms.

    I'm so happy you're doing something for our voices to be heard. This is not talked about enough. I titled the documentary part of the project; Where are the fathers?

    1. Please PM at - I'd like to hear more.

  18. May I share this information on my blog?

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. One essay submission per person? I have a flash piece, but if it's only one per person, I might send something longer...

    1. Yes, one essay is preferable. Some people are sending in multiple poems and shorter writings but the response has been so strong we will likely only be able to publish one per person.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Trista -- I see that the response to your call for submissions has been very positive, and I know this will be an important volume! You might write to Ariel Gore and ask for her permission to include her essay, "Court of Last Resort" from the Salon publications book "Mothers Who Think" (edited by Camille Peri and Kate Moses) Do you know Ariel? If I didn't give you a copy of this essay when you were in Portland, shame on me! Here is the third paragraph: "I am talking about family court, that strange American institution designed solely, it seems to me now, to perpetuate family dysfunction and all of our culture's contradictory expectations of mothers. The system exists to uphold the status quo in society and in families - even what that status quo is unjust or dangerous." N'est-ce pas? Blessings!

    1. Hi Rhonda! Yes, you did give me this essay - and it was wonderful! I think we are connected on FB but we don't really 'know' each other! Thanks for the reminder! xoxo

  23. I would love to submit something - is it too late?

  24. Excellent artwork by Liz Darling there... I'm going to give this a try and see what comes of it regardless of the outcome... just reallly need to let it all out and be heard! Thank you so much Trista for all your work and collaborations! Much love and respect

  25. Is this project still accepting submissions?


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