“As the moon smiled in the sky, I begged the night to sweep me up by surprise with a dream that was my own. For in my life, I had not yet dreamed my own dream.” ~Susan Abulhawa
In a few short months, a global movement has taken shape out of South Africa. Bubbles Beyond Borders will now take place all over the US, Australia, the UK, as well as Nigeria, Uganda, Bahrain, Trinidad and Antigua on August 16th..
Even if there is not an event in your community, please join us at 1pm local time by blowing some bubbles of your own and taking some time either individually or with your daughter(s), granddaughters, nieces and or friends to name and claim your dreams.
My Portland event will be a joyous occasion, which I am looking forward immensely after these last months of global doom and gloom. We will begin with a brief opportunity for us to grieve dreams unfulfilled both personally and as a world community of women. We will then move on with music, bubbles and a dream naming & claiming ceremony.
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