A Community Gathering in response to the conflict in Gaza and Israel

Something very special happened in London tonight. Laura Valenti helped organize a community gathering after the Central London March.  As someone who was not able to attend in person, I still felt an energetic shift after participating remotely from Portland. I hope we will see more of these throughout the world.

 "The conflict in Israel/Gaza and in the West Bank has escalated to unprecedented proportions. We have all been subject to horrific images, stories and political statements.

There are so many different opinions flying around, so many arguments, so much polarisation and people taking sides. At the moment it feels that violence and separation is winning in this supposedly unresolvable conflict.

We need some time and space to let these strong emotions out in community so that they can be witnessed and received. So …

You are invited to a gathering - a space where you can be heard by and hear others.

At this gathering we will step into a “Truth Mandala” from Joanna Macy’s ‘Work that Reconnects’. We will process some of what we feel through A Movement Meditation called Movement Medicine and then we will talk and eat together.

This is not an opportunity to have political debate. It is not about winning or losing an argument. It is not about being right or wrong and it is not an opportunity to attack anyone.

If you are having strong feelings about the conflict and recent events … if you have been very active and are on the verge of burnout and need some community support to take your next steps … if you need to express how you feel … this space is for you!

All you need to do is bring your authentic self and be brave enough to share whatever it is that is going on for you and a willingness to give space to others, regardless of if they feel exactly the same as you."

The gathering was facilitated by Ben Yeger with Laura Valenti, Muge Erdogmus and Rachel Morris.

Ben Yeger is a Drama therapist and highly experienced group facilitator. He is a Qualified Movement Medicine Facilitator and Apprentice Teacher. Ben is the UK representative for Combatants for Peace -

Müge Erdogmus trained as a Counsellor and Drama and Movement Therapist. She has been working with children and young people for many years. She is a group facilitator, actress and 5 Rhythms and Movement Medicine dancer.

Laura Valenti is an Apprentice Movement Medicine Teacher & Facilitator, sound & voice therapist, clown and energy worker. Her background is in Law, Human Rights, Sociology of Migration and protection of women.

Rachel Morris trained as an actor and currently works in the healing arts, combining different methods of bodywork, cognitive recognition and emotional release as well as working intensively with Movement Medicine.

The Work that Reconnects is to help people to experience their innate connection with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they can be motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization.

Movement Medicine is a form of conscious dance with deep roots into shamanism, scientific and therapeutic wisdom and art.It is a body based movement meditation practice open to people of all ages and backgrounds.http://www.schoolofmovementmedicine.com/
