My Great-Great-Great-Grandmother sat in a Red Tent. My Great-Great-Great-Granddaughter, yet to be born in a distant future, will be sitting in a Red Tent, as natural to her as her own home. She will know that her mother, her grandmother, her great grandmother, who is currently my teen-aged daughter — all sat in Red Tents before her…
Our current generations live in a gap: the gap between our Ancestors, and our Off Spring. Our mothers and grandmothers lived without a memory of places where women could go to, monthly, for renewal, regeneration, and support. The generations of women living on Earth today are rapidly remembering! We have a sense of what it would feel like to sit in a Red Tent monthly. More and more of us have an actual experience of it.
The gap closes by Activating Memories! We can’t reclaim, renew, or regenerate a tradition we never heard of. If there was once a tradition in which women planted forests together – we have no memory of it. But we do remember sitting in Red Tents. And when we remember – our longing awakens… When we remember – we can create anew.
Read more at: Women's Mysteries Teacher Circle.
Read more from Jane Hardwicke Collings, Trista Hendren, Christine Agro, Rachael Hertogs and Rebecca Funk here.
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