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Painting by Arna Baartz |
I am Lilith.
Stories have always painted a dark picture of me. I was marked as evil and cast from my home. I was removed from the Garden of Eden, pulled like a weed for daring to march to the beat of my own drum. I, who had the courage to speak my truth and refused to submit. The punishment for my acts of defiance are seen as a warning to all women; conform or be banished. Lay down or suffer the consequences. I, Lilith, am here to tell you that you can never be banished from your own garden. They cannot pull you from all that you are.
I worked my fingers to the bone in that garden, trying to grow something beautiful only to have it ripped from me. But here in this loss, there is also deep truth. The power of women is to grow anywhere and through anything. Though I was cast out, I built my garden anew elsewhere, digging deep my seeds where they would flourish and be nurtured by my own hands. We cannot control when the weather will turn or when the storms will rage. We can however blossom where we choose to put down our roots.
Some will stop at nothing to hold the words of women to a whisper. That is not our true nature. They tell us we are erratic or emotional when our volume is raised. They try to diminish our roar.
That’s what they teach us, the wild women who howl in the night. They try to train us that our silence, compliance and conformity buys love and acceptance. That the path to happiness is littered with our obedience. To be gentle and complacent is to be feminine.
I was taught to be accepted I needed to remain quiet. Nothing could be further from the truth. They want us muted, you see, we’re easier to tame that way. Wild and free, vocal and unbowed we present a problem that threatens the rules of the past that they hold so dear. With our swords of truth we lay their crumbling foundations to rubble. With our heads held high, we pave the way for a brighter future for all beings.
We are demonized for our desires and our voices. No more. Roar like a banshee with the injustice of the world. Walk away from the any garden that threatens to drain your soul, knowing you can create another.
We build our own garden. We sow the seeds and nourish the leaves. Plant yourself within the soil, rooted in your authenticity. Shower yourself with praise, love and adoration. See your worth. Know your value. And know that any who try to take your voice are not doing it for your own good but for theirs. Never make it easy for them, rage against their tyranny. They fear us, you see. They fear the power of the feminine.
I, Lilith, build my own garden. I speak the truth of my heart and spirit, come what may.
I am here to remind you to never bow. Never swallow your sexuality, your expression or your passion. They try so hard to make women digestible, to make even our desires palatable for them. They try to twist our bodies for their pleasure. The time has come for women to reclaim their sacred garden, tangled with passions and dreams. It is ours to plant and cultivate as we see fit, and for none to strip from us.
They may paint us as demons, as they have often done, and call us banshees for digging our claws into the life we wish to lead. We may be called evil for burning it all to the ground and starting anew; they may try to banish us for what they consider a fall from grace.
We are Queens. Our crowns can never be taken from us. We are the women who walk with bold steps towards a brighter future, screaming at the top of our lungs for the atrocities committed against our sisters. We are the ones that teach our daughters from womb to womanhood their power is an indomitable flame which burns from within. That they breathe holy wildfire that should never be silenced.
We were told to hide our voice, our desires, and our purpose from those without the eyes to see, thinking that somehow we will magically become tolerable. We don’t need their acceptance; we need to accept our own authority.
Women have been swallowing their truth, their medicine and their desires for WAY too long. We did it in the name of being acceptable to society. We did it to be loved by others. We did it to survive in a world that tried to bury us.
Little did they know that we are wild seeds—feral, fierce and flowering. Never to be cut and trapped in a gilded vase, but to grow free.
You will never destroy us. There is no power great enough.
We will not be silenced.
An excerpt from the Girl God Anthology, Original Resistance: Reclaiming Lilith, Reclaiming Ourselves.
C. Ara Campbell is a visionary writer, author, and founder of The Goddess Circle. She is a soul guide, cosmic channel, facilitator of The Inner Priestess Awakening Online Journey and Relationship Empowerment & Sacred Love Online Journey, and author of The Astro Forecast. Ara is a modern day mystic dedicated to the rising feminine, living embodied truth, connecting others with their gifts and healing using the natural world. Ara is an old soul that has been writing and channeling guidance from the unseen since she was young intuitively soul coaching using spiritual and natural energies. She can often be found seeking wisdom and solace in the wilds of Mother Earth or capturing the magic of nature with her camera.
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