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Art by Arna Baartz |
love affair with darkness began at birth; I was born with death as
company and lungs roaring with rebellion.
even for my entry into this world did I stick to the script; a theme
that continues throughout my life.
my entire childhood and most of my Maidenhood, I didn’t understand
or appreciate the heaviness I carried; not understanding that
heaviness would bring me to depths in the collective and my personal
psyche most people can’t fathom.
merely skims the surface remaining shallow.
didn’t know then that my ability to face darkness and bring it to
light is a gift.
didn’t know then that my ability to turn wounds into eloquently
worded weapons is another gift.
I didn’t know that my fearlessness when it comes to voicing my
opinions as a Woman is yet another gift.
can’t teach courage. You can’t teach strength. You can’t teach
can’t teach someone to be anything other than themselves; their
inherent nature will always exist.
inherent nature will always win.
only things you can teach are how to use strengths and faults to
become better, to be better, to do better; anything else is
futile—people are who they are.
people can only see as far outside as they have gone inside; the
journey must start within.
outlook on life wasn’t always like this though, and it took a
couple of Dark Nights of the Soul to help shift my view.
Dark Night stands out in my memory more than the others; this is not
to say that the other Dark Nights were easy, or less traumatic, it
just means the one I am speaking of changed the entire direction of
my life.
that my life had much direction, but after my dance with darkness in
2012-2013 my life had a destination, and I had a newfound purpose.
this sudden set course, and deep rooted desire for more out of life
was all because I hit rock bottom, almost died, and had to claw my
way back up.
amazing the fire that burns in one’s Soul when the Warrior is
called to action, and self-preservation required.
until this point the Goddess didn’t really exist in my life, or my
mean, I had Hekate around and was beginning to experience my nights
in the forest with Baba Yaga, but other than those two, there was no
real Feminine inspiration of the otherworldly kind.
didn’t know how much I was missing out on.
didn’t know how much that power, that raw Feminine creative power
the Goddess embodies, was going to change everything.
my path I had worked with deities and Archetypes that matched how I
viewed myself: dark.
am filled with rage, it’s my most natural state of being, and can
be (if left uncontrolled) a very toxic emotion.
am filled with Shadows of trauma and pain that began at birth and
didn’t stop. Hasn’t stopped.
I thought of my emotions and experiences, they were Masculine and
Daemonic. It’s amazing how we perceive ourselves even in a Magickal
and/or Spiritual context because of the lies Patriarchy tells us.
“Women can’t be angry. Women can’t be enraged. Women should be pretty, sit up straight, cross their legs, nod in agreement. Don’t forget to smile.”
“Women can be whatever they want, and angry is definitely something they should be. Be comfortable in your skin, sit however the fuck you want, firmly plant your feet into the ground because they will try and shake you, question authority, be defiant and smile knowing there is a Beast within.”
had always thought of myself as being a “girl’s girl” but I
only ever encountered mean girls. This didn’t deter me from
speaking out on Women’s issues or calling myself loudly and proudly
a Feminist; from my perspective, mean girls are Women with wounds
left unaddressed. They’re the ones who need Sisterhood more than
had several very strong female role models in my life; our family is
very much a Matriarchy. But, I moved away from them, from that
central community, at the age of 12.
it was only my Mom, myself and “the abuser” for 10 years.
prison sentence I will never forget.
don’t regret the move though, because I wouldn’t be who I am now
at 33, if I didn’t experience all the trauma, abuse and Soul Wounds
inflicted on me; I do sometimes wonder what I would be like if I had
stayed. Who would I be? Would I be as rebellious? Would I be as
brave? Would I be as strong?
believe strength is part of my nature, but it wasn’t fully awakened
until I was forced into survival mode at a very young age. I don’t
think any child should have to experience what I did, but I don’t
resent the experiences anymore either; I’m grateful for them.
grateful for them even when my C-PTSD is triggered, even when anxiety
is illogically telling me I am not safe, and my fight or flight is
turned on and I can’t control my thoughts or emotions. I’m
especially grateful when I am sitting in the abyss facing my darkness
and turning it into something beautiful.
probably sounds fucked up to say, and I know Freud would have a field
day with it, but it’s true.
and trauma are extraordinary teachers; they’re the Universe in its
most basic yet complex form.
hysterectomy in 2012/2013 (it had to be done in two steps) was loss
on a level I still cannot put into words.
it has been my greatest teacher.
loss is how I was introduced to the Dark Goddess, Crone power, and my
Beloved Inanna.
the hysterectomy, I was fresh out of an abusive relationship,
recently had a back injury that resulted in my Kundalini awakening
and had went thought a mental breakdown; there was a lot going on and
I was lost in the darkness with nowhere to turn.
emotionally, mentally and physically I was breaking; my Soul was
night while in the throes of pain and emotional anguish, I cried so
hard for so long that I didn’t have anymore tears to shed, so I
wept silence and then I slept.
slept for days.
my days of sleep, I was accompanied by a Goddess and a lion, a huge
majestic lion, in a field of gold as far as the eye could see. There
was golden grass, and clouds, golden dirt and animals; it was a
Magickal place.
was the sound of rushing water that called to me through the golden
trees, I know it now by name, the crisp blue waters of Creation: the
waters of Apsu. I would later experience firsthand its healing powers
in a baptism of water and darkness.
Goddess who was also gold with crimson lips and eternally flowing
hair the color of night became my guide. I came to know her as
was She who helped me re-connect to my womb space; she reminded me
that I am still Woman even without my organs. She reminded me of the
power of my pussy.
taught me that I was worthy, and that within the void of womb there
was endless wisdom to be tapped into.
reminded me of my sexual nature, my divine Feminine power, and my
birthright to be a Mother through other ways than birthing my own
children or becoming a Mom in a similar capacity.
gave me permission to become a Creatrix and my career was child
number one.
discussing Inanna, not many other people see her as a Torchbearer, or
a Lightbringer as I do, but for me, that’s exactly what She is.
came to me when I had lost sight of who I was. She came to me in
times of darkness with Her golden lessons and ignited a spark inside
of me; I turned that spark into a wildfire and that’s how my torch
came to be.
very torch is what guides like Souls to me, to my blog, and my books.
the torch I carry that reminds me even in the darkest of nights,
there is still light, and that light exists inside of me.
taught me the Alchemical process of turning trauma and pain into
golden threads of wisdom and beauty; with these threads I can weave
not only my destiny, but I am able to help others see their own
inherent divinity.
An excerpt from Inanna's Ascent.
has her roots in Upstate New York. She is an Author, Witch, Feminist
and Luciferian. The Owner and Creatrix of The Nephilim Rising strives
to tell raw, real stories of Magick, the human condition, Sacred Sex,
Women’s Issues and her favorite topic, rebellion. Preferring the
Shadows to the Light, her Magick and writing reflect this; it is in
the Darkness that she found her true form. Her written works
originate from the watery depths of her Cancerian Soul and chronicle
her cyclical death and rebirth from the Womb of the Dragon.
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