These last years, I have connected with
many single moms from around the world. In sharing stories, people
were often baffled by how far behind the U.S. Is in comparison to
other Western countries. I started to make some of my own
comparisons which ultimately led me to begin the Single Mothers Speak on Patriarchy anthology.
on child support is difficult to find, which is baffling considering
how many women and children it effects. One of the most comprehensive
studies I have found over the years is “Worst Off: Single Parent Families in the United States.” This
paper compared U.S. single-parent families with single-parent
families in 16 other high-income countries.
“We find that U.S.
single-parent families are the worst off. They have the highest
poverty rate. They have the highest rate of no health care coverage.
They face the stingiest income support system. They lack the
paid-time-off-from-work entitlements that in comparison countries
make it easier for single parents to balance caregiving and
jobholding. They must wait longer than single parents in comparison
countries for early childhood education to begin. They have a low
rate of child support receipt.
single parents have both above average employment rates and above
average poverty rates. High rates of low-wage employment combined
with inadequate income support explain the paradox of high poverty
despite high employment.”1
Nowhere is the gap more
apparent than with maternity leave and sick days. When my son was
born, I worked from my hospital bed. A few days after his birth, I
rolled him into my office in his stroller and shoved all my files
into the bottom to take home.
I needed the money.
I did not receive
any child support at all for the first year of my son's life. I can
barely remember that year. Not only did my son not have a father, he
really didn't have much of a mother either—at least in the way
I had always envisioned being a mother.
Fortunately, I was able to work from home often and hire my sister as our nanny for his first two years. That said, I still cry when I think about his first year and the enormous loss for both of us.
I remember a wise old
crone chastising me for not going after my son's father for child
support. I suppose, at the time, I was afraid his “father” would
disappear altogether so I didn't pursue it. She pleaded with me,
“What sort of message will this send to your son? When children
don't receive child support they associate it with their own
self-worth. A child who receives nothing in child support comes to
believe s/he is worth nothing.”
![]() |
Photo by Maurizio Peddis |
When I think about
collecting child support—for both myself and women throughout the
world, I remember those words. Our children deserve child support.
Mothers also deserve to be financially supported.
It is extraordinarily
difficult to work as a single mother in the United States and make
ends meet. There are just not enough social structures in place to
ensure that both mothers and children get what they need.
In my case, a
high-commissioned job ensured our basic needs were met, but it came
at a very high price physically and emotionally. My body broke down,
I was sick frequently and I was severely underweight. My son did not
get the attention from me his first year deserved.
Try being a working
single mom with sick children.
In the U.S., It is impossible.
If you
try to maintain a normal job with regular school holidays, sick days
and everything else, you will be unlikely to keep it for very long.
I remember my ex-father-in-law exclaiming with disgust several times:
“I just don't understand why you don't have a real job.”
(My books don't count, and apparently raising his grandchildren
doesn't count either.)
It would be much easier to maintain a “real” job
if someone were co-parenting with me and sharing the weight of sick
days and school holidays. But the U.S. is unique as a “high-income”
country in not having systems in place that would help single moms.
became all the more apparent to me when I moved to Norway with my
children last year. Here
in Norway single moms have special considerations for paid leave.
They can legally take more days off work if they have more children
or are single mothers. For instance, after working for a qualifying
period of four weeks, a person without kids can take five paid days
off for sickness.
- If you have one or two children, you can take 10 additional sick days off – and take time off for any doctor/dentist/school appointment with no problem.
- If you have three or more children, you are entitled to 15 days a year.
- If you are a single mom of one or two children, you are entitled to 20 days a year.
- If you are a single mom caring for more than three children, you are entitled to 30 days of paid time off.
are additional provisions for longer sicknesses. If
you have chronically ill or disabled child, you can get ten days in
addition for each chronically ill or disabled child. You are
also entitled to the same number of days if you work part-time.
The following chart
demonstrates the disparity very clearly.
![]() |
Table from "Worst Off - Single-Parent Families in the United States |
Notice that the
averages and mediums listed exclude the U.S., which is the only
country of the 16 studied which provides zero days of annual
paid leave. The study notes:
U.S. employers voluntarily provide paid annual leave, sick days, and
holidays but many also do not...Based on the American
Time Use Survey (ATUS) of individuals, 32% of single parents and 64%
of married parents reported having access to paid leave at their main
job in 2011.”1
study also notes that child care is expensive in the U.S., compared
to the other 16 countries where it is generally provided. Single
mothers with children under five have a particularly rough time with
this, as for “many single parents, actual or potential earnings are
too little to pay for child care.”2
public education is available for children over five, it generally
ends in the early afternoon, leaving a huge gap in the day. In
addition, school districts in my home State of Oregon are only in
session 165 days a year. 3
to get too far off track, but when you take into account that most
people nowadays are forced to drop their kids off at school whether
they are sick or well, it also means that kids are often sick more frequently now. Additionally, when you are already living under the
chronic stress of being a single parent, you are also more
susceptible to becoming ill. I remember some years where my children
and I were sick more often than we were well.
of the 16 countries studied, the United States was the only country
that did not provide a child allowance, averaging about $150 a month
per child. Some countries also provided an additional amount for
single mothers.4
Norway, we receive approximately $100 a month per child. This doesn't
go very far in today's world—raising children is expensive—but it
does help! It is the only time in years that I haven't had to worry
about paying my children's allowance on time and whether or not we
can afford to attend birthday parties.
quite a few of the “high-income” countries, we seem to have lost a sense of community—which would help single moms out more. Many
grandparents are working in their later years or live further away.
Neighbors and extended family aren't what they used to be. Western
societies have become more individualist and driven by capitalism—and
no one suffers more from this than single moms and their children.
support enforcement seems to be one of the biggest obstacles in
supporting healthy single-parent families. I highly recommend reading
the full study in detail, which is available online as a pdf. I know
in my own life that not receiving child support has been one of the
biggest hurdles in raising healthy and happy children.
to Scandinavian countries seems wise in determining the best course
of action in reforming child support enforcement in the United
States. As Think Progress recently noted:
of 2010,
all European countries except the Netherlands guaranteed
child support payments
to custodial parents even if the noncustodial parent couldn’t pay
or could only pay part. Sweden goes even further and has a guaranteed
assistance program in which all custodial parents get a child support
payment from the government no matter what, and the government then
collects what it can from the noncustodial ones. Such a system seems
to work — 95 percent of these parents get child support
though I have remarried—and life is considerably easier in
Norway—there is not a day that goes by that I don't have to deny my
children something because of lack of child support.
is not something any of us will likely “get over” for the rest of
our lives.
authors of the “Worst Off” study conclude: "U.S.
single-parent families will remain the worst off unless the U.S.
expands its family-supporting policies."
-Trista Hendren, an excerpt from the Girl God Anthology, Single Mothers Speak on Patriarchy.
UPDATE: I feel compelled to share that I did finally get ALL of my back child support after fighting long and hard for it for years on end. NEVER GIVE UP SISTERS.
UPDATE: I feel compelled to share that I did finally get ALL of my back child support after fighting long and hard for it for years on end. NEVER GIVE UP SISTERS.
Order here.
This anthology will be offered freely as a PDF to any woman who has been a single mom who is struggling financially.
Casey, Timothy and Maldonado, Maldonado. “WORST
December 2012.
Casey, Timothy and Maldonado, Maldonado. “WORST
December 2012.
Oregonian Editorial Board. “More
days for Oregon students, more pay for Oregon teachers: Agenda
2013.” The
Oregonian. August 31, 2013.
Casey, Timothy and Maldonado,
Maldonado. “WORST
December 2012.
Covert, Bryce. “The
Brilliant Idea From Europe That Could Revolutionize Child Support.”
April 16, 2015.
Lucid, inarguable facts, personal experience, beautifully written.