Why Goddess Spirituality? by Sara Wright

"Behind Leaves" by Elisabeth Slettnes

Women need images of the Divine Feminine to access the archetypal field of the goddess, the ground of our being. Since the goddess is Nature, goddess spirituality puts us in touch the roots of who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. By developing a personal relationship with the cosmos, our solar system’s firmament, the sun the moon the stars and the planets, any of her wilderness (or not) habitats - mountains jungles, deserts, springs, engaging with the four (or five) elements - fire, water, earth and air, or falling in love with her animals plants and flowers, we are changed from the inside out by Nature. We become agents of change ourselves. We learn to be compassionate witnesses and spiritual warriors needing to protect and care for this beloved Earth, our home. In Sacred Plant Medicine Stephan Buhner puts it well when he writes “to be in close proximity with the sacred is to be close to REAL, to become saturated with the power of the holy. In the long run, this allows one to become REAL, to embody or carry the power of the holy in oneself.”

-Sarah Wright, She Rises: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism and Spirituality
