Life emerges from the Feminine: Woman, Nature, Goddess.
When we value the life-giving power of the Feminine we are less likely to kill other human beings who have been held in a mother’s arms.
When we value the life-giving power of the Feminine we are less likely to believe that Nature should be dominated by humans.
When we value the life-giving power of the Feminine we are less likely to cut down old-growth forests, annihilate species, and poison waterways.
When we value the life-giving power of the Feminine we are less likely to blame our mothers for everything; we are more likely to take responsibility for the joys and sorrows of life as mature adults living co-creatively with other mature adults.
When we value the life-giving power of the Feminine we can no longer believe exclusively in a single male deity and in the life-denying dogma of religions based on that belief.
When we value the life-giving power of the Feminine we embrace the embodied experience of being here now in this abundant World, and we recognise our role as care-takers of the Earth.
Valuing and honouring the life-giving power of the Feminine is the pathway of survival . . .
Kaalii Cargill, Melbourne, Australia.
This is an ongoing collective writing project, initiated by Magoism: The Way of S/He and Mother Tree Sanctuary in response to the question, "Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, or Spirituality?" We will feature different women's answers here and on the Magoism blog in the months to come as part of this project.
Contributions are welcome. Please email or join the discussion on the Magoism group on Facebook.
Originally posted on
This feels profoundly true, thank you Kaali.