Hearth Moon Rising: Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, or Spirituality?

"Worshiping the Goddess is only natural for a species born of women. The reframing of our creator as a male god is an usurpation of women's power and the culmination of patriarchal domination. It is time to reaffirm that we are all children of the Great Mother."

Hearth Moon Rising

Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York


This is an ongoing collective writing project, initiated by Magoism: The Way of S/He and Mother Tree Sanctuary in response to the question, "Why Goddess Feminism, Activism, or Spirituality?" We will feature different women's answers here and on the Magoism blog in the months to come as part of this project.

Contributions are welcome.  Please email magoism@gmail.com or join the discussion on the Magoism group on Facebook.
