Traditional religion can seriously hamper young women’s spiritual development

"Traditional religion, which excludes women’s experiences, can seriously hamper young women’s spiritual development,

Females need encouragement and support in realizing that their hopes and dreams are important, and that it’s right to take care of their personal needs before giving to others.

Religious instruction that continually directs a woman to focus on the needs of others without spending adequate time developing her sense of self-worth increases pressure and adds guilt.

Girls are left with the feeling that, no matter how much they give, it isn’t enough. ….While religion remains primarily in the hands of males, this is the message it gives to women."

~ Mary Faulkner

Painting by Elisabeth Slettnes


  1. True religion instructs equal rights between women and men who were both created by God with inalienable rights and freedoms. True religion does not justify women's abuse, denigrating of women or unfairness between the genders. The bible is filled with examples of women who were used by God to lead, preach and even to advise kings. Yet some have used some scriptures out of context to justify their own selfish ideas of inequality between men and women. As a woman and a Christian I have studied this issue and have found that the true religion of the bible is not at fault but human beings who impose their own interpretations thereon and also some other false religions which clearly teach suppression of women


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